Thursday, August 6, 2009

brace face, tinsel teeth, railroad tracks- what ever you want to call me

I finally decided to get Braces. I have hated my smile because of three teeth that are crooked, so I decided to have them straightened. I have full mouth braces- top and bottom. Can't see the top? That's because the braces are on the back of my teeth. can't see them but boy is my tongue going crazy rubbing on them. Lot of wax is involved to keep my tongue from getting a sore on it. I also found out after the brackets were put on that I can not close my teeth all the way, making chewing a bit difficult. Lets just say protein shakes and soup are now my daily diet. In about one year my smile will be better then ever.


Michelle said...

Aww, my little brace-face sister! You'll love your teeth when they are fixed. Although, I've never noticed anything wrong with them.

Martha said...

I commented on the Adeline Blog before I read about your teeth!! Glad you have them on the top too. It looks really good. Love you, Mom

Tribe of Adeline said...

Good for you Kelly. It is never too late to get braces. Love your smile!!! Love, Bonnie