Thursday, August 13, 2009

Silly , Silly You and Me- a novel by Chesney Jahnke

Silly, Silly You and Me

Silly, Silly You and Me. Go to your home and climb a tree

Tree, Tree You and Me. I saw a cat in that tree

Cat, Cat You and Me. I saw that cat, got it you see

I got, I got You and Me. I got that cat up in that tree.

It, It You and Me. It is the end, you see.


Michelle said...

Oh, wow! I think Chesney is the next Dr. Suess! I really do! And her penmanship is excellent for a 6-year old. Very, very impressive. Keep posting her books!

Martha said... are such a good writer. Maybe you will be just like Dr. Suess! Love you and miss you, Grandma

Tribe of Adeline said...

I can see Chesney being an author someday! .....She has talent for sure. Kiss the kids Kelly and we are looking forward to seeing you in October. We miss you guys!
Love, Bonnie