Tuesday, September 22, 2009


This morning we woke up and could see a very strange light coming through the blinds, then we opened the blinds and were greeted with a very red sky from a dust storm that brewed up over the night and covered most of New South Wales. Good thing I am not one of those ultra religious people or I might see this at the coming of the end. Although...there was an earthquake in Victoria yesterday and fires in Queensland...hmmmmmm. Anywho- it is clearing nicely and the dust is settling all over, glad I closed the windows before bed last night...some friends were not so lucky.


The Jahnkes said...

No trick photography was used in the making of these photos

Martha said...

Is it really dry there with all the dust? I am really glad your windows were closed!!! Love, Mom

Tribe of Adeline said...

They showed pictures of Sydney on the Early show this morning. I thought of you right away. It looks pretty but I bet it was nasty with all the dust. Love, Margene

Michelle said...

Wow! That is so weird looking. So glad you didn't have to clean the dust up!

Angie said...

WOW! That's amazing!

Tribe of Adeline said...

Kelly...Isaw it on the national news and quickly called Martha so see could see it too...Very strange...has that happened before?
Love, Bonnie

The Jahnkes said...

it happened this bad about 70 years ago