Sunday, September 12, 2010

On your mark....Get set....Go!!!

It was race day today.
Pine Island was host to a Duathlon this morning.
The race consisted of a 3 mile run 21 mile bike ride 3 mile run
My brother Jeff did the entire race by himself with an impressive time of 2 hours 10 minutes.
I had planned to do the race myself, but as the summer wore on and my training was not where it should be for this kind of race, I began recruting team members.
So I give you The Team
Dawn, Kelly and Ryan
Dawn ran first with a time of about 36 minutes, then she handed the timing chip off to me and I headed off for my 21 mile bike ride. Unfortunately at about mile 5 my tire burst and not having anything on me to fix it, I had to forfit my part of the race and catch a ride back with a support person. But Ryan was still able to run his leg of the race and completed the last 3 miles in about 22 minutes. Very impressive.
Ryan crossing the finish line
Jeff crossing the finish line
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It was a beautiful day to be out and perfect conditions for running and biking


Martha said...

You all are very impressive..Great pictures! Congratulations to you all...Love, Mom

Michelle said...

Wonderful! Go Team Kelly, Dawn, and Ryan! Great job, Jeff. Very impressive.