Thursday, August 26, 2010

Logan at football camp

Logan attended a football camp this past week. He Loved It! When we arrived we were surprised to see the high school football team in attendance. Logan was teamed up with one of the boys on the team and they worked together for the week. I seriously cannot remember his name so we will call him "number 64" The football team did a great job working with the kids and Logan even learned the secret football handshake.

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Logan is excited to go to the football games on friday nights and see his "coach" on the field.


Michelle said...

Those are the cutest, sweetest photos I've seen. He looks like he is having a blast! We can't wait to come see Logan play football in high school. We're sure he'll be a star!

Martha said...

Logan is looking like he is having a great time at football camp! Number 64 must have made a great impression on him!! Thanks for all the great photos...Love Mom